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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Her disapproving parents refused to attend her wedding.
▪ John gave me a disapproving look when I suggested another drink.
▪ The announcement of a further pay increase for politicians provoked disapproving comments from the leader of the opposition party.
▪ Above it hung a picture of a disapproving man who I presumed was Sefton Hamilton's grandfather.
▪ And then Georg had closed in on her, a grumpier, more disapproving, hectoring Georg.
▪ Mrs Saulitis threw them a disapproving glance.
▪ She'd left the smashed car outside and staggered inside, drawing disapproving glances from the other guests.
▪ The application had been subject to long and disapproving scrutiny at Coutts.
▪ Would you have put on your disapproving hat and talked about tangled webs and reaping what you sow?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

disapproving \disapproving\ adj. expressing disapproval.


vb. (present participle of disapprove English)


adj. expressing or manifesting disapproval

Usage examples of "disapproving".

He stumped past the other horses without a glance, making disapproving noises about stupid teenagers who got lost and made him late for supper.

Despite disapproving of Rupert’s stinking capitalist habits, she had no compunction about drinking his drink or using his washing machine all day.

When they got back to the cottage, Mavis followed her round like a disapproving duenna.

Noticing disapproving glances from all around, particularly from the Royal Box, Fen wriggled away.

She kept still as magicians who had taught her stopped to tear her robes, their expressions disapproving or disappointed.

Maybe, She thought she knew his whole plan, now, and made no bones of disapproving that.

Even Lan looked disapproving, for all his hard face did not change very much.

She seemed disappointed, even a little upset with him, and the Wise Ones appeared to share the feeling to one degree or another, from Bair's openly disapproving frown to Melaine's sniff and ostentatious shifting of her shawl.

And the Lord Captain Commander might be more than disapproving of the entire affair, might believe he was reaching for personal power.

The Warder's sword drew a single disapproving glance, but the roofmistress welcomed him warmly after Bair called him Aan'allein.

Surprisingly, Egeanin had twisted around in her chair to give him a disapproving look, too.

Towering Bael looked just as disapproving with his arms folded, Erim and Jheran only slightly less so.

His disapproving scowl vanished the instant Ahlitah’s eye caught his, and he seemed to shrink several inches.

Whenever the swordsman would unload a particularly egregious fiction on the audience of rapt listeners, Ehomba would throw him a disapproving frown.

He stopped in the center of the floor and swept his eyes across the line of entrants, his face set in its usual sour and disapproving scowl.