n. a woman who is an unpleasant person [syn: unpleasant woman]
Usage examples of "disagreeable woman".
And it's no use saying the parish constable would stop him, because Sir Gareth would deny every word, and say that he was taking me to live with his sister, who is a very disagreeable woman, and would do anything to oblige him.
Once installed in our house, she soon threw off the mask and showed herself in her true colors, a cold-hearted, selfish and disagreeable woman.
My papa puts a hateful disagreeable woman to be my duenna, and I am so guarded and sheltered that there is nothing amusing ever happens to me, in spite of having been brought to town.
Most of the directions had been from the attendant, who was a very disagreeable woman.
His wife's a disagreeable woman, and they'd both do better to watch their daughter, who's only just sixteen.