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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disaggregation \Dis*ag`gre*ga"tion\ (d[i^]s*[a^]g`gr[-e]*g[=a]"sh[u^]n), n. [Cf. F. d['e]sagr['e]gation.] The separation of an aggregate body into its component parts.


n. A division or break up into constituent parts, particularly the analytic disassembly of categories which have been aggregated or lumped together.

Usage examples of "disaggregation".

Properties and Composition -- Preparation of Raw Materials: Disaggregation -- Purification -- Preparation of Bodies: By Plastic Method -- By Dry Method -- By Liquid Method -- Formation, Processes of Formation: Throwing -- Expression -- Moulding by Hand, on the Jolley, by Compression, by Slip Casting -- Slapping -- Slipping -- Drying.

The rocks that rested at the bottom— just as those which formed its sides—were of the same lamellous formation as the entire coast, and had not hitherto been subject to the disaggregation which the lapse of time never fails to work.