Crossword clues for disadvantaged
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1610s, past participle adjective from disadvantage (v.). Of races or classes deprived of opportunities for advancement, from 1902, a word popularized by sociologists. As a noun, shorthand for disadvantaged persons, it is attested by 1939.
1 Lacking an advantage relative to another. 2 poor; in financial difficulties. v
(en-past of: disadvantage)
adj. marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences; "a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity"; "boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law" [syn: deprived]
The "disadvantaged" is a generic term for individuals or groups of people who:
- Face special problems such as physical or mental disability
- Lack money or economic support
- Are politically deemed to be without sufficient power or other means of influence
Usage examples of "disadvantaged".
His face had a tough, pinched, disadvantaged look which did not go with the Valiant hair or the beachboy body.
The produce, grain, and meat provided from these collectives will be distributed at no charge to recipients of public subsistence allotments, thus easing the burden on Jefferson's neediest families while providing high-quality foods to the economically disadvantaged.
His disadvantaged, disenfranchised American counterpart is offered not only the Jew but the Negro and Catholic—together with any group, way of life or system of belief not harmonious with his own, stamped with the label enemy in large red letters.
And what we will want to examine are these natural differentiations as they moved into dissociations (and extreme sexual polarizations) that disadvantaged one or the other sex (and usually both)at each of the six or so major epochs/stages/structures we will be examining.
Of course, as chief operating officer of the fund, I drew a nice salary for my efforts, but the bulk of the money went, at Ultima's insistence, into a charitable trust to help the homeless and disadvantaged.
Since Geordi had occassionally felt disadvantaged in his life over his blindness, he could relate to them.
If they put the arm on you in a disadvantaged neighborhood you go in past the empty press lot.
It is true that some technologically backward and disadvantaged groups, such as urban Negroes, are characterized by high rates of geographical mobility, usually within the same neighborhood or county.
Grandfather loved to tell stories of these criminals, how they had tried to excuse their own crimes by pleading that they were economically disadvantaged or infected with the disease of substance abuse, and how the Lone Eagles- many of whom had overcome poverty or addiction themselves-had dispatched them with firing squads and left them posted around the edge of their territory as NO TRESPASSING signs that even the illiterate could read.
Grandfather loved to tellof these criminals, how they had tried to excuse their ownby pleading that they were economically disadvantaged orwith the disease of substance abuse, and how the Lone many of whom had overcome poverty or addictionhad dispatched them with firing squads and left themaround the edge of their territory as NO TRESPASSINGthat even the illiterate could read.
Social and political reform movements during the Progressive Era of the early twentieth century helped empower disadvantaged groups while at the same time ending the federal government's long-term policy of open immigration.
I think your insensitive behavior toward this female makes me conclude that you are mentally disadvantaged, visually impaired, and that your parents were unmarried.