Dirtgirlworld, stylized as dirtgirlworld, is an Australian- Canadian children's television series created by Cate McQuillen and Hewey Eustace of Mememe Productions. Visually designed by Jean Camden, James Hackett and Cate McQuillen, it was animated by Hackett Films in Australia and Spin Productions in Canada. The show was co-produced by Mememe Productions (Australia) and Decode Entertainment (Canada). It was commissioned by CBeebies, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Kids' CBC stopped airing new episodes of the show on September 2, 2011.
Fifty-two eleven minute episodes were commissioned. The show first aired on CBC on October 5, 2009, on CBeebies on November 2, 2009, and on ABC on December 4, 2009. It aired in the United States on the cable channel Sprout, on April 22, 2010. The show had a limited run and can be considered canceled.
The series used 3D CGI animation combined with photomontage and live action. The main characters were Dirtgirl ( Maree Lowes) and Scrapboy (Michael Balk), as well as their friends Ken (Gibson Nolte), Grubby ( Krew Boylan), and Hayman (Jason Davis).
Dirtgirlworld received the Interactive Production of the Year Award at the 2013 Screen Producers Australia Awards.