n. (plural of directorate English)
Usage examples of "directorates".
In other words, this was not just an official from one of the Directorates, but a member of the topmost level of the administration, charged with setting the aims that lay beyond merely existing from one generation to the next—the end purpose that the Kronians saw their existence as serving.
Officers of the Directorates were appointed from within, much in the way that senators had been placed by their state legislatures under the original American system.
Valcroix's bill to amend the procedure for making appointments to the Directorates was about to come before the Congress, and the message meant that the inside word was it had little chance of passing.
A number of people in the higher levels of Congress and the Directorates were talking about a Pragmatist coup with a lot of Security Arm involvement.
The whole business about calling for a say in running the Directorates was to create an appearance of legality having failed.
Under him came the two main Directorates, Intelligence and Operations.
There had been twelve of them living in the weeping basements below Lefortovo, to be brought up on demand to confront the question masters from the First and Second Chief Directorates, or taken back to Grishin’s special room in the event of recalcitrance or loss of memory.
Through the summer the counterintelligence people of both First and Second Chief Directorates had delivered him the three traitors in quick succession.
I expect yo'll be glad when the other Directorates and the labor agencies get set up proper an' things normalize.
The Directorates of War and Security were the two armed brances of the State, and their rivalry went back generations.
These are usually owned by the industrial combines, or by government administrative directorates (eg.
That meant Justine herself only just scraped in, due to her directorship of several companies that supplied equipment to Directorates that avoided the public view.
Alongside this directorate were two further large and unwieldy directorates responsible for administering the service and providing technical back up.
Four directors form the `Board' and control the overall strategy and administration of the directorates, and they are presided over by the Chief.
Under the leadership of Yevgenniy Primakov the old directorates were reorganised into two new organisations.