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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
direct mail
Direct Mail One of the most effective ways to recruit and encourage members and supporters is by direct mail.
▪ A problem arises with sample offers if you are not geared up for individual direct mail dispatch.
▪ And, coupons come via direct mail.
▪ Drawn up by the Advertising Association, the new code covers about 90 percent of the companies that use direct mail.
▪ News releases, brochures, newspaper advertising, direct mail and public service announcements are also in the works.
▪ The Advertising Standards Authority embraces press, poster, cinema advertising and direct mail.
▪ The marketing campaign began this month with magazine ads, direct mail and store promotions.
▪ Unit costs for brochures, catalogs, and other direct mail pieces.
direct mail

n. Alternative expression for junk mail.

direct mail

n. advertising sent directly to prospective customers via the mail

Usage examples of "direct mail".

It was a suburban backwater, half its units empty, the rest unobtrusive in their telemarketing and direct mail and small-scale manufactures.

But direct mail coverage followed by telephone calls on the day of the meeting are your best bet.

In this way he compiled enormous mailing lists, which he sold to other fund-raisers, to direct mail houses, to test-market organizations, to the subscription departments of various print media and to government agencies.

That's great news for starving personal-injury attorneys, since ambulance-chasing by direct mail is more fuel efficient and less hectic than the old way.

Magazines and newspapers and direct mail business will boom, and that'll ease the pain in the ad agencies.