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Diphlebia is a genus of damselflies in the family Diphlebiidae. They are commonly known as rockmasters. These damselflies are very large and thick. The species in this genus are found in Eastern Australia, except for one species that can be found in New Guinea. The males are vividly patterned. They are blue or bluish green and black in colour. Their blue colour also gives them the name azure damselflies. They rest with their wings spread out. Their wings are usually blackish brown or have white markings. These damselflies have several present antenodal crossveins. The two basal extend across coastal and subcoastal spaces. The larvae are wide and flat. They have long saccoid gills too breathe underwater. The inner tooth of labial palps is elongated. The specific characters of the larva are mid-ventral, distal width, basal width, and length of median lobe.