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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He always seems to call me at dinnertime.
▪ As dinnertime approaches, we cheer up.
▪ I'd been over the pub at dinnertime.
▪ I was even beginning to consider myself freed, until dinnertime that evening.
▪ It took them from breakfast to dinnertime to teatime to get everybody.
▪ Jerry and Dave usually visit around dinnertime.
▪ So, countless times she gave up her own food when an unexpected guest arrived at dinnertime.
▪ The same food is served for $ 1 more per item at dinnertime.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

dinnertime \dinnertime\ n. the time when people eat dinner, usually the time for the evening meal.

Syn: suppertime. [WordNet 1.5] ||


n. 1 The time when dinner takes place. 2 The time when dinner is ready. 3 (context British English) The midday break in English schools (some areas), lunchtime. 4 The dinner hour, the hour between 6 and 7 p.m.


n. the customary or habitual hour for the evening meal [syn: suppertime]


Dinnertime is the second album by Alex Taylor, brother of James, Livingston and Kate Taylor. The album was recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio. The standout tracks are "Change Your Sexy Ways", Randy Newman's "Lets Burn Down the Cornfield", Scott Boyer's "Comin' Back to You", and Stephen Stills' "Four Days Gone".

Usage examples of "dinnertime".

Through short encounters on the bridge and dinnertime chats, he slowly determined who among them were loyal to the Union and who were not.

Gendibal did not see Novi again till after dinnertime, at which time she was brought to him by the woman to whom he had endlessly explained the situation-at least, the nonsexual character of the situation.

It was at dinnertime, and in the middle of some amusing conversation, that he imparted that piece of information.

These tales, carried through the streets by the beggars and hawkers, repeated at dinnertime by Madame Quenuble, Eliste had initially dismissed as wild rumour.

It was not until dinnertime, when all had changed, including Clio, who wore a black Lycra cat suit, that Robbie made the obvious point.

With that, he resumed his dinnertime discursion as if the exchange with his daughter had never occurred.

Together we watched the young moms coping with the anguish of dinnertime.

From dawn till dinnertime Ombersley House was the scene of restless activity, and the road outside noisy with the wheels of tradesmen's carts and the whistling of innumerable errand boys.

We went out in mokoros in mid-morning, and stayed out until dinnertime.

The rest of the afternoon, weaving north through Monterey Park, Rosemead, Alhambra, Temple City, Arcadia, you meet with varying success, but catch a few welshers in Pasadena during the early evening, around dinnertime.

By dinnertime, Todd had a deep respect for Honey's skills as a negotiator.