Crossword clues for diligently
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Diligently \Dil"i*gent*ly\, adv. In a diligent manner; not carelessly; not negligently; with industry or assiduity.
Ye diligently keep commandments of the Lord your God.
--Deut. vi.
adv. In a diligent manner, with appropriate effort, carefully.
adv. with diligence; in a diligent manner; "we may diligently observe the Lord's supper on the first day of the week, diligently preach the gospel, or minister to the saint"
Usage examples of "diligently".
Then, having been diligently brushed by a youth of color, Bibbs went into his own room and closed the door.
Diligently enquire into it, for the credit of our Comitatus is involved in our subjects being able to journey to it in safety.
He worked diligently at the tasks Horner Dees gave him to aid in outfitting the little company for its journey north, trying a little harder most times than the others.
A second messenger, who had been commanded to bring the rebel in chains, was trampled under the feet of an elephant, and manifestos were diligently circulated, exhorting the Persians to assert their freedom against an odious and contemptible tyrant.
This night past, when as at our accustomed houre I diligently searched every part of the City, behold I fortuned to espy this cruell young man drawing out his sword against three Citisens, and after a long combat foughten between them, he murthered one after another miserably : which when hee had done, moved in his conscience at so great a crime hee ran away, and aided by the reason of darknes, slipt into a house, and there lay hidden all night, but by the providence of the Gods, which suffereth no heynous offence to pass unpunished, hee was taken by us this morning before he escaped any further, and so brought hither to your honourable presence to receive his desert accordingly.
Diligently harkening to the voice of the Lord, the first Great Organizer, Gid started on his new plans.
It was the country of Lochiel, Glengarry, and other Jacobite chiefs, and was filled with soldiers, diligently seeking the leaders of the insurrection.
Merton, the class playboy at Harvard, into whose amiable bubble-blown brain little Noel Gouf had diligently tried to cram sufficient tutorial information to get him through freshman trig, was head of his own great brokerage house.
He nodded at the emblems that had told him that she indeed followed feng shui diligently: an ostentatious bracelet of nine Chinese coins, a pin in the likeness of the homely goddess Guan Yin and a scarf with black fish on it.
Stripped to the waist and with raindrops running down his golden chest, Peter Hynd worked diligently, as if oblivious to the row of village women standing silently watching him.
Lieutenant Dallas stated that every member of the NYPSD will work diligently to identify and apprehend those responsible for the deaths of their fellow officers, for Grant, Keelie, and Coyle Swisher, for Inga Snood, for Linnie Dyson.
Chimene rarely complained, almost never argued about anything, and did her schoolwork and chores diligently enough, yet Risa could not escape the feeling that her older daughter was only playing a part, mimicking feelings she did not have.
In this situation, I have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot: they amount to Fourteen:O man!
John Smith, passing by on a whaling expedition, had remapped the region, diligently taking heed of the names the Indians themselves used.
Lastly, the redolent flowers beeing diligently taken away, and all thinges that had beene vsed borne from thence, the pauement remayned pure and shining as a most cleare steele glasse, and as it were emulating the pretious iewelles rownde about.