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n. (plural of digraph English)

Usage examples of "digraphs".

Secondly, encipherment by digraphs halves the number of elements available for frequency analysis.

The digraphs in -w represent labialized consonants, while the digraphs in -y stand for palatalized consonants.

It is possible that some of the consonants written as digraphs must also be counted as double consonants when they occur between vowels.

These are just digraphs denoting unitary consonants: ยค What is spelt hl, hr was originally unvoiced l, r.

The question of length: It may seem that when they occur medially between vowels, the palatalized and labialized consonants count as long or double consonants (as if the digraphs represented actual consonant clusters after all).

Ignoring the digraphs hw and hy, the letter h may be pronounced A) a "breath-h" like English h as in high, B) more or less as in English huge, human or ideally like ch in German ich, C) like ch in German ach or Scottish loch (in phonetic writing [x]).

In the third place, and most important, the number of digraphs is far greater than the number of single letters, and consequently the linguistic characteristics spread over many more elements and so have much less opportunity to individualize themselves.