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vb. (context archaic English) (en-third-person singular of: dictate)

Usage examples of "dictateth".

And the same Law, that dictateth to men that have no Civil Government, what they ought to do, and what to avoyd in regard of one another, dictateth the same to Commonwealths, that is, to the Consciences of Soveraign Princes, and Soveraign Assemblies.

But God has no Ends: the worship we do him, proceeds from our duty, and is directed according to our capacity, by those rules of Honour, that Reason dictateth to be done by the weak to the more potent men, in hope of benefit, for fear of damage, or in thankfulnesse for good already received from them.

And these are the Lawes of that Divine Worship, which naturall Reason dictateth to private men.