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n. (plural of dickhead English)

Dickheads (brand)

Dickheads were a brand of matches released by Australian businessman Dick Smith in 1999, and later discontinued. The name is a pun on the Redheads brand of matches.

The matches were made in Villawood, New South Wales, Australia by Steric Trading Pty Ltd, from local and imported materials. While the matchsticks and matchheads were made overseas, local packaging allowed the product to be labelled "Australian made". These matchboxes were first sold in boxes of 25, "DICKHEADS 25", then 22,"DICKHEADS 22" and finally 20 "DICKHEADS 20".

The back of the box reads:

Although the original packs were discontinued, packs of 5 "seed sticks" in the same style are available from the Dick Smith Foods website.

Usage examples of "dickheads".

And B Squadron--my squadron--would be the ones out there on the floor, giving it their all--and making total dickheads of themselves.

Such mighty, heart-stirring air power dominating the heavens--and down below on the grass, a bunch of dickheads brewing up.

All they would have heard was one round, then a couple of short bursts, followed by the sight of five dickheads in shamags legging it into the desert.

In a rifle company we were just two dickheads, but now we had our fifteen minutes of fame because we were the latest ones to have had a contact.

Anybody looking at us would have thought we were a bunch of dickheads, prowling around right up close to the trees.

That sort of thing was normally left to dickheads like me, so that everything could be denied if it went wrong.