1 (context vulgar English) Having a specified kind of penis. 2 (context vulgar slang English) In trouble. v
(en-past of: dick)
Usage examples of "dicked".
No use sayingDolph's an Earl: he's run off his legs, besides being dicked inthe nob!
I knew who fucked and sucked and licked and dicked and boozed and coozed and injected and elected to genuflect to their basest desires.
He suppressed the suppressible underclass and dicked the disenfranchised as dickable Dick Contino surrogates.
It seems unlikely, on the face of it " Jack Slower seemed to share Dan's opinion "You're dicked 203 in the nob," they heard him shout "Mr Laverham's in this coach!
A receiver tells you where you are within a few yards or a few hundred feet, depending on how the government has dicked with the signal.
McCloud's rough had been mined more than a hundred years ago, before every last gem was cooked, filled, oiled, pressure diffused, and in general dicked with.
It swilled down the second flagon almost as quickly as it had the first and dicked its beak with more abandon.