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n. (surname patronymic from=given names)

Usage examples of "dickason".

She had been a member of the Dickason family--the housekeeper--for nearly forty-five years, and was a highly respected lady.

And here is another extract from a Hannibal paper, of date twenty days ago: Miss Becca Blankenship died at the home of William Dickason, 408 Rock Street, at 2.

She had been a member of the Dickason family--the housekeeper--for nearly forty five years, and was a highly respected lady.

The party consisted of Campbell, Levick, Priestley, Abbott, Browning, and Dickason, and the courage shown by the leader and his companions in facing endless difficulties and privations has met with the unstinted admiration that it most thoroughly deserved.

Fred Dickason, Angels: Elect and Evil (Chicago: Moody Press, 1975), 70.