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dice cup

n. a small container (open at one end) in which dice are shaken by hand and from which they are thrown [syn: dice box]

Usage examples of "dice cup".

Still, for one moment as he shook that dice cup, he had all but known what the pips would be.

It looked nothing like a dice cup, but he decided to give it a try anyway.

If I had to guess, I would say in the nearest tavern, and odds or evens whether he has a dice cup in his hands or a girl on his knee.

Then Vincent took up the leather dice cup and passed it across to Schreuder.

Marland set it on a flat place on the ground, and sat down suddenly in front of it, with his new dice cup in hand.

She picked up the dice cup and held it as steady as a rock, yet all the Gods could hear the three cubes rattling about inside.

Tiyagaris' line had finally died out, and every new Imperator who seized power was another cast of the dice cup.

He would have ambitions, but would be unlikely to reach for the dice cup so early in a game this large.

As he stood, he picked up the dice cup and spun the dice out beside the stones board for luck.