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n. A congenital disorder in which a part of the spinal cord is split, usually at the level of the upper lumbar vertebra.


Diastematomyelia (occasionally diastomyelia) is a congenital disorder in which a part of the spinal cord is split, usually at the level of the upper lumbar vertebra.

Diastematomyelia is a rare congenital anomaly that results in the "splitting" of the spinal cord in a longitudinal ( sagittal) direction. Females are affected much more commonly than males. This condition occurs in the presence of an osseous ( bone), cartilaginous or fibrous septum in the central portion of the spinal canal which then produces a complete or incomplete sagittal division of the spinal cord into two hemicords. When the split does not reunite distally to the spur, the condition is referred to as a diplomyelia, or true duplication of the spinal cord.