n. a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called [syn: dial telephone]
Usage examples of "dial phone".
It was because she'd seen an old, black rotary dial phone on the floor.
He was about to look for a pay phone when he noticed the hostess bringing a dial phone with a short cord to another patron at the far end of the bar.
Kaye peered at them through the window panes of the lobby and waited for the innkeeper to bring out an antiquated black dial phone and plug it into the jack by the front desk.
Falah went back into the apartment and snatched up the old, black dial phone.
The only thing Janie liked to do with her hands was put nail polish on them and dial phone numbers.
After several minutes of looking, Talon found the phone cord in the wall and trailed it to the old-fashioned dial phone, which was hiding in a kitchen drawer that also contained a wide assortment of dry paintbrushes and tubes of acrylics.
There was a table just beneath the stairs, where a heavy black dial phone sat beside an empty vase.
The lobby and the tiny office behind the long wooden counter were empty of everything except a rather pitiful looking desk and an old rotary dial phone.
As he punched in Kovacs's speed-dial phone number, he decided he would use those very words on her.