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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Diaconate \Di*ac"o*nate\, a. Governed by deacons. ``Diaconate church.''
--T. Goodwin. [1913 Webster] ||


Diaconate \Di*ac"o*nate\, n. [L. diaconatus: cf. F. diaconat.] The office of a deacon; deaconship; also, a body or board of deacons.


n. 1 The rank of a deacon. 2 Deacons considered as a group; a body or board of deacons. 3 The period of office of a deacon.

Usage examples of "diaconate".

Nearly a hundred have been elevated to the diaconate and priesthood, meeting all requirements and thereby teaching the same level as other men.

During the last days of my diaconate, grace, no doubt, enlightened me.