Dhambalin ("half, vertically cut mountain") is an archaeological site in the northwestern Togdheer province of Somalia. The sandstone rock shelter, contains rock art depicting various animals, such as horned cattle and goats, as well as giraffes, an animal no longer found in the northwestern Somalia region. The site also features the earliest known pictures of sheep in Somalia. Discovered in autumn 2007, residents of Beenyo Dhaadheer reported the rock art to the Somali archaeologist Sada Mire, Director of the Department of Archaeology within the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Somaliland.
The archaeological site, is one of the 100 sites discovered by Dr. Mire, which are dated to more than 5000 years ago. They provide an important link to the rock art of the Horn of Africa, particularly representing its pastoral cultures, fauna and pre-historic importance.
The site is stated to be in danger of theft in view of lack of adequate security arrangements. Though the archaeological study has been done with funding by the UN, the site’s recognition as UNESCO World heritage site is not feasible at this stage as Somalia has not ratified the 1972 World Heritage Convention.