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DGSCA ( UNAM Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico), a.k.a. Computo Academico UNAM, (informally pronounced De-Heh-Ska) previously known as PUC (Programa Universitario de Cómputo). It is the leading organization within the UNAM for computer technologies systems and held the distinction for being the first institution in México (and perhaps Latin America) to install and operate a Cray Y-MP super computer, in early 1990.

As a dependency of the UNAM it handles most affairs related to Supercomputing, Internet 2, Scientific Visualization and Virtual reality as well as the infrastructure of the UNAM's own M.A.N.. It currently houses Latin America's most powerful supercomputer, Kan Balam 1, and the first Virtual Reality complex in Mexico (Ixtli Observatory).

It also serves as the backbone 2 for Mexico's CUDI network.