DeySarkar alternatively can be written as DebSarkar/DevSarkar/DeSarkar/DeySircar/DeySirkar/DebSirkar/DeySarcar is a Kayastha surname common in the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, Assam & in Bangladesh.
DeySarkars/DebSarkars actually have original surnames of Dey/Deb i.e.;Dey or Deb who have received the honorific surname of 'Sarkar' during British & Mughal period in erstwhile India & Bangladesh, complete compounded title being DeySarkar/DebSarkar. They are Bengali Kayasthas by caste.
Famous DeySarkars- 1.>Ramdulal Sarkar (Renowned Zamindar/ShipMerchant),2.>P.C.Sorcar Sr.(World Famous Magician),3.>Shymacharan DeySarkar(Merchant),4.>Sukumar De Sarkar(Child poem Writer)
Category:Indian family names