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n. (plural of devotee English)

Usage examples of "devotees".

The superioress gave a smile of approbation, but I saw a dozen aged devotees pulling wry faces.

He, in return, accepted the attentions as only his due - and his devotees seemed to find his very insolence appealing.

We found a good many carriages in front of the church-door, and the church itself was full of devotees, both male and female.

SUPPOSE IT ONLY NATURAL that those of us who are devotees of science fiction would like to find in it something more than a matter of idle amusement.

Hal is short for Harry, as all Shakespearian devotees know, and the C.

The devotees, concerned with their struggle to be reborn into a higher life, did not notice her.

It made her understand why some people became ardent, abject devotees of deities.

I merely mention the fact, and mine hostess privately assured me that, though built of solid oak, such was the fervent zeal of devotees the chair had to be new bottomed at least once in three years.

The Grateful Dead and their thousands of Deadhead devotees are radical Bohemians.

All the upperclass spectators except Jim Struck are former Eschaton devotees, though Hal and Troeltsch were both marginal.

They were not only good Christians and faithful to the Church, but even real devotees and full of scruples.

I had to do with three devotees, two hideous and the third ravishingly beautiful, who had already had a foretaste of the joys in store for her.

I had had to do so with other devotees who had loved me less than she, nevertheless, they had capitulated.

The devotees scarcely know whether they are awake or dreaming, for with the exception of a few priests, the doctor, and the surgeon, no one has ever entered the house since its foundation.

He had passed the temple in which the people of Kaft adored their goddess Astarte, and the sanctuary of Seth, where they sacrificed to Baal, without letting himself be disturbed by the dancing devotees or the noise of cymbals and music which issued from their enclosures.