Crossword clues for devilry
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Devilry \Dev"il*ry\, n.; pl. Devilries.
Conduct suitable to the devil; extreme wickedness; deviltry.
Stark lies and devilry.
--Sir T. More. The whole body of evil spirits.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
late 14c., from devil + -ry; deviltry (1788) is a corrupt formation from it.
n. 1 mischief. 2 wickedness, cruelty. 3 an action performed with the help of a devil; witchcraft. 4 An act of such mischief, wickedness, cruelty, or witchcraft.
n. wicked and cruel behavior [syn: deviltry]
reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others [syn: mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, deviltry, devilment, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan]
Devilry is an EP by the Swedish black metal band Funeral Mist. It was released in 1998.
Usage examples of "devilry".
Scuddamore presented himself in unimpeachable attire at the door of the Bullier Ball Rooms, and paid his entry money with a sense of reckless devilry that was not without its charm.
Your people have been martyrs, witnesses to the devilry and Godlessness of racial oppression.
I suppose all this footslogging seems primitive to you, with your flying machines and thinking boxes, the marvelous warmaking devilry of futurity!
Vicky Camberwell listened to him, fascinated despite herself She knew that this was the cobra dance before the chicken, she knew herself well enough to realize that part of the attraction he held for her was the very devilry and roguishness she had so readily recognized.
There is the same variety of character, the same diversity of story, the same copiousness of incident, the same research into costume, the same display of heraldry, falconry, minstrelsy, scenery, monkery, witchery, devilry, robbery, poachery, piracy, fishery, gipsy-astrology, demonology, architecture, fortification, castrametation, navigation.
But I will not take advantage of your ignorance neither, girl, and therefore shall say, I do not think the Mingos would have hurt a hair of your head, had they succeeded by their devilries and contrivances in getting you into their hands.
He did not know whether the giant was plotting new devilries or had been summoned away by that muttering voice, but he wasted no time in conjectures.
Every small boy rises from his bed of a morning charged with a definite quantity of devilry.
Through the horrible phantasmagoria she flitted--a seductive vision, her piquant loveliness standing out richly in its black setting of murder and devilry.