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n. (plural of developer English)

Usage examples of "developers".

Clark, heavily bankrolled by developers, is running a strong and defiantly lackluster second.

Land developers always got the red-carpet treatment, but occasionally so did gangsters, gamblers, bootleggers, bank swindlers and cocaine smugglers.

The builders who slapped together the lousy houses, the developers who sold them and the inspectors who rubber-stamped them had little to worry about from Dade prosecutors, or anyone else.

The DMCA is evenworse for software developers and consumers than it is for scholars.

When a photographer hired by real estate developers started up a hill near Crypto City to snap some shots of a future construction site, he was soon surrounded by NSA security vehicles.

Very few site developers try to do something about it - even fewer succeed.

The Internet will have its own real estate developers and construction companies.

At least the developers know enough about basic civics to learn something important about their candidates.

As Metro mayor, he rarely cast a vote without consulting the zoning lawyers, lobbyists and developers who put him in office.

Understand that certain folkspoliticians, developers and the building lobbyhave a vested interest in promoting the myth of the Big One.

Lennar, Arvida and other developers also are pitching the myth of the Big One: Hey, we sell sturdy homes.

Lennar, which was one of the most profitable developers in the whole United States.

Eventually, corner-cutting developers will sit down with a calculator and figure out that Andrew was bad for the bottom line.

Plied by campaign donations from developers, Dade politicians made scarcely a peep as the South Florida Building Code was watered down.

Their groveling allegiance to developers is best manifested along a two-mile segment of University Drive in Plantation, where there are now no less than five malls and shopping centers.