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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Develin \Dev"el*in\, n. (Zo["o]l.) The European swift. [Prov. Eng.]


n. (context UK dialect English) The European swift.


Develin may refer to:

  • James Develin (b. 1988), American football player
  • Mike Develin (b. 1980), American mathematician
  • Develin Peak, in British Columbia, Canada
  • USS Develin (AMc-45), US Navy ship

Usage examples of "develin".

The cold wet winds, he claimed, reminded him of Connaught, and from his Develin vantage point he could see all the way downriver to Rotherhithe and keep an eye on his four-legged assets.

Connaught that Teague Partry had sung of during his long raw watches on the Develin Tower.