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n. devaluation vb. (present participle of devalue English)

Usage examples of "devaluing".

I am trying to call attention to the elephant in the room that everybody is too polite - or too devout - to notice: religion, and specifically the devaluing effect that religion has on human life.

I don't mean devaluing the life of others (though it can do that too), but devaluing one's own life.

The fact that I am not covering the material base in this volume certainly does not mean I am neglecting it or devaluing it.

And the more the Ego succeeded in its goal of devaluing the Eco, then the more abstract, arid, dry, and desiccated it became.

This puts Argentina’s exporters, with their products priced via the “peg” in US dollars, into a pathetic, losing competition against Brazilian goods priced in a devaluing currency.

There is no particular reason for Wallinchky to be selling, so let's assume he's the buyer and that he's brought the Kharkovs along to render the loot into something customs won't recognize without devaluing them.

Or will it appreciate on account of the oil, thereby devaluing the American dollars I'm going to earn?

Since the value of a business—its wealth—rests on its ability to make money, the acts of a government seizing a company's plant or devaluing its reputation are in the same category: both are acts of expropriation.

Others may be destined for some devaluing development, like a disfiguring illness or serious problems among their relatives.