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n. (plural of detonation English)

Usage examples of "detonations".

An instant later, simultaneous proton detonations broke the spines of both ships.

Danni looked and saw the white spheres of three proton detonations winking back into nothingness.

For the most part, the Yuuzhan Vong suicide squads were forcing the pilots to hit the same area, and the largest detonations were already causing forks of disruption static to dance across the shield.

His death should involve massive detonations of light, special Mingolla-killing rays, astronomical portents.

The detonations began to blend one into the other, and the ground shook like a sheet of plywood under the pounding of a hammer.

As of yet, there are no details of the exact circumstances or who fired first but a number of corporation satellites are relaying accounts of up to four detonations of a size consistent with atomic shells or neutron minisiles.

The Rabun Corps had been well and truly trashed by the unexpected nature of the assault and several nuclear detonations from a trashed SheVa gun and some landers its mate had potted on the retreat.