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The Collaborative International Dictionary

desynchronize \desynchronize\, v. t. to cause a process to occur at times or in cycles independent of another process.


alt. to cause, or to experience desynchronization vb. to cause, or to experience desynchronization


v. cause to become desynchronized; cause to occur at unrelated times [syn: desynchronise] [ant: synchronize, synchronize]

Usage examples of "desynchronize".

The attack was short and sharp: less than two minutes after the bombardment had started it ceased as abruptly as it had begun and then there was only the fading dying sound of desynchronized engines as the Wellingtons pulled away, first to the north and then the west, across the still-dark waters of the Aegean.

Once heard, the desynchronized clamour ' of a Focke-Wulf 200's engine is not readily forgotten.