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alt. (present participle of destabilise English) vb. (present participle of destabilise English)

Usage examples of "destabilising".

Placed in a situation that required a completely different set of controls, they became victims of their own destabilising forces.

If you refuse to do this, you will be able to observe the attempts of your stabilising mechanism - the C Force - to control the destabilising force.

When deer and lemmings are overcrowded, the result is a rise in the destabilising force which causes the adrenal glands to overwork.

All games have a common purpose: to increase the stabilising force at the expense of the destabilising force.

Fish's first page was a justification for the assassination, citing Milosevic's destabilising plans for a Greater Serbia, his illegal covert support for Radovan Karadzic and his genocidal plans for the Albanian population of Kosovo.

At the end of the training these commandos were paid very large sums of cash and released into Greek territory in order to begin the process of destabilising it.

Not only had he always considered Dawson a thoroughly nasty piece of work, but he tended to have the destabilising effect upon Connor of turning him into a junior sibling who was always trying too hard to impress his bigger brother.

There were the national legends if you wanted extreme examples - Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy - but every cop who'd worked murder or rape cases knew there was no publication more destabilising to an already fragile mind.