n. a small plate on which dessert can be served
Usage examples of "dessert plate".
He wandered around the table, spied the unused dessert plate, smiled beatifically, and helped himself to two of the pastries and the leftover fork at his cousin's plate.
Perhaps hoping to discover which runaway freight train or exploding factory would smear him across the landscape, Jacob pushed aside his dessert plate and shuffled each deck separately, then shuffled them together until they were well mixed.
If not by the pool, he might dine dangerously with fine china and antique silverware at a table in the rose garden, keeping his inhaler ready on a dessert plate in the event that a breeze stirred up enough pollen to trigger an asthma attack.
I surveyed his dessert plate: a brownie, a wedge of fresh fruit tart, and a chunk of coconut sheet cake.
She looked at the way the knife and fork were lined up beside the plate, how the dessert plate, the cup, and saucer were stacked on top.
She pushed her empty dessert plate a symbolic centimeter away from her.
Lewis wandered up with a massively loaded dessert plate and a dry martini.
Broadus returned with his dessert plate and a fresh glass of wine.
The dessert plate in front of him was empty except for a few faint smears of chocolate.
You can spend it boating on the river or to the right of the dessert plate, with the blade pointing inward.