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n. An injectable gonadotropin-releasing hormone superagonist that stops the production of sex hormones.


Deslorelin acetate is an injectable gonadotropin releasing hormone super-agonist ( GnRH agonist) also known as an LHRH agonist. It stops the production of sex hormones ( testosterone and oestrogen).

One commercial form of Deslorelin Acetate is marketed by Peptech with the brand name Ovuplant. Another form is available in the USA, Sucromate Equine, which was FDA-approved for use in horses in November 2010. This is manufactured by Thorne BioScience LLC and was introduced to the USA market following the withdrawal of Ovuplant. The Deslorelin products are currently approved for use in veterinary medicine and to promote ovulation in mares as part of the artificial insemination process. It is also used to stabilize high-risk pregnancies, mainly of livestock. Unlike other GnRH agonists, which are mainly used to inhibit luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone by their ultimate downregulation of the pituitary gland, Deslorelin is primarily used for the initial flare effect upon the pituitary, and its associated surge of LH secretion. Suprelorin is a slowly releasing deslorelin implant used for chemical castration of dogs and ferrets. It is marketed by Virbac. Deslorelin is also used to treat benign prostate hyperplasia in dogs.

Buserelin is a similar GnRH agonist used in humans.