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a. (archaic form of desirable English)

Usage examples of "desireable".

Secondly, I wished for them all to see, and see clearly, how beautiful and desireable she was, the lovely slave.

I think that many of them, never before, had realized how soft and beautiful, how desireable, are women.

Middleton in his mind, and Clara too, with the desireable things he had sacrificed--a shape of youth and health.

She had not wished it, but a light had come on her to show her what she would have supposed a century could not have effected: she saw the impossible of overnight a possible thing: not desireable, yet possible, wearing the features of the possible.

The most desireable form of receiving them would be to have the skin slit from the under paw along the belly to the tail, & down the thighs to the knee, to take the animal out, leaving the legs and hoofs, the bones of the head, & the horns attached to the skin by sewing up the belly & shipping the skin it would present the form of the animal.

There are joygirls (and joyboys too for that matter) who can just become incredibly sensual and desireable and sexy because they get into a frame of mind that shines through everything they do.