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n. (plural of designer English)

Usage examples of "designers".

In truth, Linge Chen had investigated and prosecuted all the corrupt officials and incompetent designers and conniving contractors.

So huge was Stretch that IBM designers believed the market contained only two possible customers: NSA and the Atomic Energy Commission.

The Cold War had ended and weapons designers were no longer shopping for supercomputers.

Starting with a prosaic scene on Earth, and following a scheme proposed by the designers Charles and Ray Eames, he goes progressively by factors of ten to show us the whole Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way and the Universe.

There may be, proportionately, many more nerds among scientists than among backhoe operators or fashion designers or traffic wardens.

The repulser units themselves could handle enormous temperatures, but it was doubtful the designers had expected the flyer to be flat on the ground at the time.

Tony had run with the storm with consummate skill, reigniting the engine at the first opportunity and jinking the bus in ways that its designers would not have thought possible.