Crossword clues for designator
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Designator \Des"ig*na`tor\, n. [L.]
(Rom. Antiq.) An officer who assigned to each his rank and place in public shows and ceremonies.
One who designates.
n. 1 A person who, or term that, designates 2 (context historical Roman antiquity English) An officer who assigned to each his rank and place in public shows and ceremonies.
Usage examples of "designator".
His full-coverage, dark-visored helmet incorporated a radio, a gyrostabilized laser designator, a thermal imaging camera and an image intensifier, with a visor screen for the projection of data from his video systems as well as computer graphics and aiming marks for his weapons.
At twenty miles he had the choice of using full-sized or subcaliber rounds, the latter guided to their targets by a laser designator installed atop the main director tower.
The Bupers computer was down at the moment, but with the name and designator, the master chief promised a quick confirmation.
It probed the dense forest below with thermal, electronic, and magnetic detectors, its laser designators ready to paint targets for their escorting attack aircraft, not that Lantu expected to find any.
Volyova barked cryptic commands into her bracelet, causing a target designator to spring into place over the northerly latitudes of Resurgam.
For a few decades, it appeared that laser designators would provide an easy answer to the problem of accuracy, but as usual with technological solutions countermeasures limited their usefulness to specialist applications.
Flashlight was the F4 that would illuminate the target with the laser designators Actually there were two F-4's, both carrying hand-held laser designators.
The pilots would have to find a hole in the clouds so the RIO'S'-RADAR intercept officers--could aim the designators, then they would have to maneuver to keep the target in sight and avoid colliding with one another.
In the planning sessions he had argued that A-6's should carry the designators but had been overruled.
So we'll go with the mount laser designators for the first couple of passes.
Instead, the crews would be "firing" the laser designators to which their weapons were normally slaved.
Unlike the grasers themselves, the designators lacked the power to actually damage the sophisticated drones being used as targets, which would allow each target to be used several times.
Click here for more about the system of bit-pattern designators used by RIST 11A4 to replace the obsolescent nomenclature systems of "natural languages.
RIST 11A4 assigns bit-pattern designators with a pseudo-random number generator.
One of these semantic memes asserted that bit-pattern designators should be assigned in numerical order, so that (for example) Hive Mind One would be designated RIST 0001 and so on.