n. criteria that designers should meet in designing some system or device; "the job specifications summarized the design criteria"
Usage examples of "design criteria".
Fashion-conscious females, with a taste for tails that are longer than they should be on good design criteria, are going to have poorly designed, inefficient, clumsily flying sons.
It's true, the program walks the outer limit of the design criteria-but then that's what he wanted for this simulation.
Their captured troop transport's computer had carried full theoretical and design criteria in its data banks.
He wanted every single part of the weapon to match his design criteria as exactly as the available technology made possible.
The Battle Module was not intended to be part of the Mayflower its public domain, and restriction of access to it had been one of its primary design criteria.
Part One, Chapter One-Design Criteria for a Simple Generator and Control System.
The name had suggested an Argentine version of a motel built on the side of a road, with both economy and easy automobile parking as the design criteria.