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n. (plural of descender English)

Usage examples of "descenders".

The pessimistic Ascenders dourly pursued an otherworldly Goal they were assured of never reaching, and the optimistic Descenders giddily embraced a this-worldly creation whose Source they celebrated but never experienced.

Suddenly, very suddenly, the Ascenders were out, the Descenders were inand the transition was bloody, arguably the bloodiest cognitive transformation in European history.

Although these approaches utterly lack any depth, they make up for that in a type of fearless shallowness, the same fearless shallowness that marks the exuberance of Descenders everywhere, that confers great confidence on their reductive pronouncements and makes happy the hand of Thanatos that they so freely wave.

The two could no longer be united, and historically the Ascenders and the Descenders went virtually their separate ways.

The Descenders are destroying this world, because this world is the only world they have.

What the Descenders lacked was the other half of the equation, the nondual view: both good and evil can be transcended.

The Descenders had fundamentally triumphedin rejecting the bathwater of myth they had tossed out the baby of Ascent: no deeper or higher stages than the rational-ego and its empirical world were acknowledged.

Idealism left the Descenders virtually unchallenged as the molders of modernity.

The collapse of Idealism left the Descenders virtually unchallenged as the holders and molders of modernity.

I believe, that the Descenders became the inheritors of frustrated Ascentthe ever-frustrated desire to move up became the ever-frustrating desire to move forward.