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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"release from cult brainwashing," 1973, from de- + program (v.). Related: Deprogrammed; deprogramming.


alt. To counteract the effects of previous programming or brainwashing, especially in an attempt to persuade a person to abandon his allegiance to a cult vb. To counteract the effects of previous programming or brainwashing, especially in an attempt to persuade a person to abandon his allegiance to a cult

Usage examples of "deprogram".

It was during the deprogramming that I found out about the marriage, that I discovered she knew he had seduced me, that she still loved him.

Suddenly, it was all too much: the hours of deprogramming and lack of sleep, the torment of leaving Caleb and the uncertainty of the future.

Decker could see that it might take intensive and extended deprogramming to break the hold that Cohen had on his friend.

Not just because I think Mom is going to pay somebody to kidnap Janice and have her sent to Utah for deprogramming, but because I think Mitch finally met a girl he really likes.

The deprogramming of May Weatherhill began with a handful of chocolates and a heartfelt plea.

The trick is to have the subject deprogrammed before the cops intervene.

Earth, were deprogrammed, and Floyt avoided radical reorientation, some new set of troubles would arise and run its course in one fashion or another.

They were kept in a hotel room for days and supposedly deprogrammed from all the brainwashing they had experienced while in the cult.

Well then, someone had slyly deprogrammed the robot to forget any closure command within an hour after it was issued.

The auditor locates the demon and deprograms him -- clears him out, is the theory.

As she slowly emerged from the almost hypnotic spell Magaziner and his crew seemed to have cast upon her, it was clear that she needed deprogramming.