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n. (plural of depravation English)

Usage examples of "depravations".

O SARA DOUGLASS HADES' DAUGHTER Every town or city occasionally suffered the depravations of earth surges.

Below them, in the belly of the open ship, men sat on the rowing benches, cleaning and oiling weapons against the constant depravations of the sea.

Bad Dispositions require some time to grow into bad Habits, bad Habits must undermine good, and often-repeated acts make us habitually evil: so that by gradual depravations, and while we are but staggeringly evil, we are not left without Parentheses of considerations, thoughtful rebukes, and merciful interventions, to recall us unto our selves.

As your king, as King Azoun, and as King Azoun IV, I must say that the need to raise your taxes is a result of the direct depravations of .

O Every town or city occasionally suffered the depravations of earth surges.

If somehow she had survived intact in that sea of social depravations, of self-indulgence without limits and of rugiente ambition that was Hollywood, it would have noticed really his presence, or it would have been completely eclipsada to her eyes by more worldly and fascinating women?

It was an attempt to rally his people behind a war with the Klingons in order to stave off the economic depravations of his administration.

I thought my governess too good a judge of these matters not to be easily over-ruled by her: after which she went on preaching very pathetically the doctrine of passive obedience and not-resistance to all those arbitrary tastes of pleasure, which are by some styl'd the refinements, and by others the depravations of it.

It is idle, it is disingenuous, to deny or to dissemble the early depravations of Christianity, its gradual but rapid departure from its primitive simplicity and purity, still more, from its spirit of universal love.

It is idle, it is disingenuous, to deny or to dissemble the early depravations of Christianity, its gradual but rapid departure from its primitive simplicity and purity, still more, from its spirit of universal love.