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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Depositary \De*pos"i*ta*ry\, n.; pl. Depositaries. [L. depositarius, fr. deponere. See Deposit.]

  1. One with whom anything is lodged in the trust; one who receives a deposit; -- the correlative of depositor.

    I . . . made you my guardians, my depositaries.

    The depositaries of power, who are mere delegates of the people.
    --J. S. Mill.

  2. A storehouse; a depository.
    --Bp. Hurd.

  3. (Law) One to whom goods are bailed, to be kept for the bailor without a recompense.


n. (plural of depositary English)

Usage examples of "depositaries".

It will also be perceived that the ground on which servants and depositaries have been often likened to each other, namely, that they both hold for the benefit of another and not for themselves, is wholly without influence on our law, which has always treated depositaries as having possession.

In vain the government makes clerks and depositaries of butchers and grocers, allowing them five or ten per cent.