Crossword clues for deponents
n. (plural of deponent English)
Usage examples of "deponents".
But it is an open question whether the Judge is bound to make the deponents known to her and bring them to confront her face to face.
For here let the Judge take note that he is not bound either to publish the names of the deponents or to bring them before the accused, unless they themselves should freely and willingly offer to come before the accused and lay their depositions in her presence And it is by reason of the danger incurred by the deponents that the Judge is not bound to do this.
The accused or her Advocate is given a copy of the process with the names of the deponents or informers, but not in the order in which they deposed.
Let him give to the accused or her Advocate a copy of the process, with the names of the deponents or informers suppressed.
She took hold of this Deponents Feet, and drawing his Body up into an Heap, she lay upon him near Two Hours.
In the taking of legal oaths, for instance, deponents seem to enjoy themselves mightily when they come to several good words in succession, for the expression of one idea.
And in like manner the prisoner’s procurator shall have full access to the whole process, only the names of the witnesses and deponents being suppressed.
Of two duties which devolve upon the Judge after the arrest, and whether the names of the deponents should be made known to the accused.
The affidavits of the deponents he submitted to the other party, and pretended that he had won the wager.