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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ With the onset of World War 11, the ranks were severely depleted, and the forest work camps were closed.
▪ But clan warfare has severely depleted the amount of food getting through.
▪ They calculate that ozone is depleted fastest when the sun is least active.
▪ We will strive to accelerate the eradication of ozone depleting substances.
▪ Algae can block light and deplete oxygen from the water.
▪ CFC is just one chemical that depletes the ozone layer.
▪ He knew that the area's rich plant life had been severely depleted by the huge herds of cows grazing the land.
▪ Over the last few years, rainforests have been steadily depleted.
▪ Salmon populations have been severely depleted recently.
▪ As oil reserves are depleted, its price will continue to rise.
▪ As these problems multiply and deplete resources, the range of options available to the organization increasingly narrows.
▪ Note that B complex vitamins are depleted by nicotine, alcohol, stress, and oral contraceptives.
▪ Now his wife is worse and his savings are depleted.
▪ This depleted the famine areas further, and sparked off new hatred amongst the peasants.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Deplete \De*plete"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Depleted; p. pr. & vb. n. Depleting.] [From L. deplere to empty out; de- + plere to fill. Forined like replete, complete. See Fill, Full, a.]

  1. (Med.) To empty or unload, as the vessels of human system, by bloodletting or by medicine.

  2. To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc.
    --Saturday Review.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1807, back-formation from depletion. Related: Depleted; depleting.


vb. 1 To empty or unload, as the vessels of the human system, by bloodletting or by medicine. 2 To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc.


v. use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week" [syn: consume, eat up, use up, eat, exhaust, run through, wipe out]


Usage examples of "deplete".

Having received orders to quiet the dissensions in Asuncion, in spite of being nearly seventy years of age, and having lost an arm in the Italian wars, he marched at once, taking but forty soldiers in his train, as, war being imminent with Portugal, it was not safe to deplete the slender forces in the River Plate.

She went forward again, looking in the depleted bins and lockers along the gangway.

The use of depleted uranium itself had been a close run thing in the Bundestag, the German Parliament.

But even if I stayed, it meant new bunkmates, perhaps even a new sergeant, as depleted dorms were consolidated and merged.

He had depleted the royal coffers enough times to meet the exorbitant Danegeld prices demanded of him to get the Danes out of Wessex in the past.

If it had fought enough before reaching Dest, its armament might be depleted by use.

An hour later Khor, Eratosthenes, and Ne-tiy had wound the last of the linen strips around the hydraulic tubes, refilled the depleted oil surge tank, and secured the amphora of natron in the storage locker.

Khor, Eratosthenes, and Ne-tiy had wound the last of the linen strips around the hydraulic tubes, refilled the depleted oil surge tank, and secured the amphora of natron in the storage locker.

The ancient folkways of England called to them, albeit the call came ever more and more faintly since the war, as the plowlands grew depleted of their young blood and the new generation swarmed over the cities instead.

The frontline infantry divisions were the most heavily depleted by desertions.

The means the Galenist employed were chiefly diet and vegetable remedies, with the use of the lancet and other depleting agents.

If men of the seas respected the bans, the Commerce Department promised, the depleted groundfish stocks would replenish themselves.

East Indian agricultural experts always fighting starvation and fighting a depleted land, and Ibo craftsmen who could handle too much water on the crops.

By Day Thirty-three, sickness, mishaps, and one suicide had depleted the numbers such that all the survivors could be carried in the truck at once, so the leapfrogging was discontinued.

Maley switched on the lights, stuck his head between the plateglass shelves, surveyed the depleted window.