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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dephlogisticcate \De`phlo*gis"tic*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dephlogisticated; p. pr. & vb. n. Dephlogisticating.] [Pref. de- + phlosticate: cf. F. d['e]phlogistiguer.] (O. Chem.) To deprive of phlogiston, or the supposed principle of inflammability.

Dephlogisticated air, oxygen gas; -- so called by Dr. Priestly and others of his time. -- De`phlo*gis`ti*ca"tion, n.


n. (context chemistry obsolete English) The process of dephlogisticate; removal of the phlogiston, or supposed ability to burn.

Usage examples of "dephlogistication".

Cox, if I remember her dissertation correctly, proposes to prevent this stodgy dephlogistication of marriage by interrupting its course--that is, by separating the parties now and then, so that neither will become too familiar and commonplace to the other.