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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dephlogisticcate \De`phlo*gis"tic*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dephlogisticated; p. pr. & vb. n. Dephlogisticating.] [Pref. de- + phlosticate: cf. F. d['e]phlogistiguer.] (O. Chem.) To deprive of phlogiston, or the supposed principle of inflammability.

Dephlogisticated air, oxygen gas; -- so called by Dr. Priestly and others of his time. -- De`phlo*gis`ti*ca"tion, n.

  1. (context obsolete chemistry English) From which the phlogiston has been removed v

  2. (en-past of: dephlogisticate)

Usage examples of "dephlogisticated".

Priestley, reporting on his latest experiences with dephlogisticated air.

Joseph Priestley was working with dephlogisticated air—his name for oxygen—in the 1770s, and Darwin would indeed have been keen to attend the Lunar Society meeting and hear of the latest progress.

Right up to the closing years of the eighteenth century (and in Priestley’s case a little beyond) scientists everywhere searched for, and sometimes believed they had actually found, things that just weren’t there: vitiated airs, dephlogisticated marine acids, phloxes, calxes, terraqueous exhalations, and, above all, phlogiston, the substance that was thought to be the active agent in combustion.

Joseph Priestley was working with dephlogisticated air—his name for oxygen—in the 1770s, and Darwin would indeed have been keen to attend the Lunar Society meeting and hear of the latest progress.