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adv. With reference to dental matters

Usage examples of "dentally".

The offi cial exuse is to eliminate piracy -- but they also, inci dentally, wipe out any possibility that somebody besides the ruling elite might have a decent life, and make sure that the serfs don't go getting ideas about rising above their station.

He grasped the general idea, though: when he had acci dentally pressed that circle on the table in the Stone Egg, it had somehow sent out a message that had called in Lord Murthren.

She'd never put a tooth under her pillow in the serious expectation that a dentally inclined fairy would turn up.

Most children instinctively knew when to push their luck and only the greedy or dentally improvident called out the Tooth Fairy around Hogswatch.

The corners of this coordinate plane were anchored by the wisdom teeth themselves, which even to the dentally unsophisticated Randy looked just a little disturbing in that each one was about the size of his thumb (though maybe this was just a distortion in the coordinate transform--like the famously swollen Greenland of Mercator) and they were pretty far away from any other teeth, which (logically) would seem to put them in parts of his body not normally considered to be within a dentist's purview, and they were at the wrong angle--not just a little crooked, but verging on upside down and backwards.