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n. (plural of denominator English)

Usage examples of "denominators".

Every moment the twelve spent with Jesus was signifi­cant, but now we're going to look at two scenes with some common denominators that no doubt had a profound effect on John .

They simply share several common denominators in John 's Gospel that we don't want to miss.

The working is greatly simplified by a process of elimination, based on such considerations as that certain multiplications produce a repetition of figures, and that the whole number cannot be from 12 to 23 inclusive, since in every such case sufficiently small denominators are not available for forming the fractional part.

The Churches' Fellowship for Psychical Study (supported by all denominations) has conducted its own investigation to discover the common denominators in healing, and how it can be best fostered.

She saw the two common denominators in the four murdered men: first, they stood in defense of the liberties of the Republic.

Common denominators include an excessive use of violence, a sick sense of humor, and a healthy respect for the bottom line.