Crossword clues for denatured
1 Having been deprived of its nature, having had its nature changed. 2 Of alcohol made undrinkable, by adding a toxin or unpalatable substance, but still useful as a fuel or solvent. Traditionally by the addition of methanol (wood alcohol). v
(en-past of: denature)
adj. changed in nature or natural quality; "denatured alcohol" [syn: denaturized, denaturised]
Usage examples of "denatured".
Investigations into the relative efficiency of gasoline and denatured alcohol as power producers, undertaken in connection with work for the Navy Department, have demonstrated that with proper manipulation of the carburetters, igniters, degree of compression, etc.
The scrambler denatured her voice, made her sound like a creepoid from Planet X.
She seemed enveloped in aromas of denatured alcohol, tincture of iodine, and the distinctive smell of adhesive tape.
Unless you think it's possible to live in a ninety-six-percent solution of denatured alcohol?
Into the bag went oven cleaner, Raid, Brasso, household ammonia, denatured alcohol, and a box of ant motels.
The only smell that could be defined was that of denatured alcohol.
The odors that arose from the wagon were noxious--the barrels were filled with spoiled linseed oil, denatured alcohol, poisonous lac, bags of salt crystals, and colored powders that she didn't even recognize.
General Cartland said: 'If you can't have those CUB-55s denatured, as you call it, some local funeral parlour is in for a brisk bit of business.