n. The removal of mystery or confusion surrounding a topic or idea.
Usage examples of "demystification".
Ruth on TV for answers to rudimentary anatomical questions, it would seem infinitely more responsible for these esteemed wives and mothers to demand a full-scale Congressional demystification of the subject.
Uncle Jack says, now is the time to accelerate the demystification of the ground situation.
In your undergrad days, you found historians using deconstructive concepts like demystification and privileged ideas.
For neither of them was the Orient exhausted by their uses of it, even if there is often a quality of disappointment, disenchantment, or demystification to be found in their Oriental writings.
Those who disposed of him intended an irreversible demystification, something that would make the act of king-killing almost prosaic.
And in spite of the demystification of these places by camera-clicking tourists, everything still has a mystical enchantment.
The fact that we cannot manage to achieve more than an unstable grasp of reality doubtless gives the measure of our present alienation: we constantly drift between the object and its demystification, powerless to render its wholeness.