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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Demonstrative pronoun

Demonstrative \De*mon"stra*tive\, a. [F. d['e]monstratif, L. demonstrativus.]

  1. Having the nature of demonstration; tending to demonstrate; making evident; exhibiting clearly or conclusively. ``Demonstrative figures.''

    An argument necessary and demonstrative.

  2. Expressing, or apt to express, much; displaying feeling or sentiment; as, her nature was demonstrative.

  3. Consisting of eulogy or of invective. ``Demonstrative eloquence.''

    Demonstrative pronoun (Gram.), a pronoun distinctly designating that to which it refers.

demonstrative pronoun

n. (context grammar English) a pronoun that replaces a noun whose identity can be understood from the context; it indicates whether the noun is singular or plural, and whether it is near or far from the speaker or writer

demonstrative pronoun

n. a pronoun that points out an intended referent [syn: demonstrative]