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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Demonry \De"mon*ry\, n. Demoniacal influence or possession.
--J. Baillie.


n. demoniacal influence or possession

Usage examples of "demonry".

The conventional expression "dimwebbers, meeps, and ropy spaalgs," connoting the whole class of minor demonry, told me this much.

When we reached it, we entered the swamp at a run, zigzagging among the mossy knolls and black, weed-slick pools where the small, outlying knots of nude humanity mingled with miscellaneous demonry in orgiastic combination.

During that infernal submersion among demonry, the pair acquired the friendship-till-death of the shape-shifter Gildmirth of Sordon, whom they set at liberty from durance in that vile abyss.

He could not know what forces of wizardry or demonry had willed to draw him thus.